Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Ne show

If you ask me,which was the best National Day Show I had ever seen,I would say the best day was 7th of July 2007.On 7th July 2007,it was a full-dress rehearsal of the national day parade.National day is the day where Singapore celebrate her independence.This year the show was held in Marina Bay.

There were many shows,one of them was when the military officers formed the word NDP 07.It was at that time when I realised that we had so many officers.There were also many other nice shows,but I could not remember what shows there were.

I did not really like the food the school provided.The fish was soggy and the chicken was salty.Except for the hot dog bread,which tasted okay.

I liked the fireworks the best.I was glad that I was able to enjoy the fireworks with my friends.When the fireworks came out,it was beautiful.How I wish that it was longer.That was a nice day.It will also be a day I will never forget.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Teacher's day concert

"Look, it is one of the Chinese dancers who knocked onto each other!" said a boy.Pei Ling and I felt embarrassed . One week ago, it was Teachers' Day , and was also a day I hated the most.Every year, our chinese dance teacher would select two pupils to dance on teacher's day.And this year,my best friend,Pei Ling,and I were chosen to dance.

Before we dance,we hadbutterflies in our stomach.I was worried that everything would go wrong.When the MC annoucedthat it was our turn to dance,I felt even more nervous than before.But still,the show had to go on.When we were performing,the first few parts of our dance,the first few parts of our dance were going very smoothly.All of a sudden,Pei Ling wrong footed her dance and our heads knocked onto each other,and we both fell down onto the stage.My head was trobbing in pain and I could hear the audience laughing.I felt very embarrassed.We immediately went backstage.Once there,I still could hear the audience laughing."If I had knew that was going to happen,I would never have dance."I said to myself.It has been a week after the incident,and there were still some pupils who were still laughing at us.How I wished that they would stop doing that to us as we were embarrassed enough.

hatez and likez...

Reading books..
Ice Cr

some people...
the rest are secrets...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A visit to the hospital

The birds were chirping,the sun in a pool of crimson and gold spilling light over the clouds.The weather was nice for a first day of term two.I was yearning to see my best friend,Angela.We have been best friends since primary two. When I went into my classroom, I was surprised to see Angela's desk empty. Usually, she will be earlier than me. "Maybe she woke up late today." I thought. When class started, Angela did not arrive, I started getting worried.

When school ended,I went to Angela's home to pass her her homework.When her mum opened the door,I still could not see Angela.Out of curiosity,I asked,"Where Angela?Why did she not come to school today?"Her mother told me that Angela had diarrhoea and was sent to the hospital last night.I was shocked upon hearing the bad news.I decided to pay her a visit right away.when I reached the hospital,I saw Angela talking talking to a boy on crutches.I waved to her and she saw me.She signal to me to sit beside her.

"How are you" I asked Angela."I'm fine,"she replied.I asked her how was everything in the hospital.She told me me that everyone was friendly to her,and each of them had an interesting about them.

"The boy was on crutches because one day, he was late for school.He had been warned that if he was late again,he would be punished. He did not wait for the green man to appear and dashed across the road.A car that was speeding,did not see him,knocked him down.Luckily,he was not seriously injured.Angela told me. What about that man whose head was bandage and is sitting on the wheelchair?"I asked curiously.
Angela said,"Oh!That man.One day,he drunk a lot of beer.But he still drove and banged into a tree.He was unconscious for a period,"And of course, that doctor over there is my doctor. He always gives me sweets!"Angela pointed at the doctor.That day, I learnt a few things,that is:no jaywalking and no drinking beer when we are driving!!!

Sunday, August 19, 2007


During the June Holidays, the four of us, Rachael, Delia, Si Xu and Nicholas, went for a two-week holiday at the Ice Hotel.It was located at Kiruna, Sweden.Firstly, we flew to Stockholm. Then, we flew in a smaller plane to the Ice Hotel.The staff at the Ice Hotel were very friendly and greeted us warmly.During our stay in the Ice Hotel, we did many things. We sat by the fire and chatted, learnt how to build igloos, rode dog-sleds, raced across the snow in snowmobiles, walked around in snowshoes. But sadly, we could not see the Aurora Borealis. There was a sauna, a chapel, a cinema and a art exhibition hall.Guess what did we eat there? Lots of hot food and hot drinks!We even had a chance to savour reindeer steaks. Yummy!We had to wear extremely warm outer clothing which was provided by the hotel. It was very cold in there!If you did not have enough warmth, you would probably be frozen to death! We slept in our snug sleeping bags which had to be put in the ice beds. It was very comfortable!Imagine how we had to endure the coldness for two weeks!It was tough, but fun! How we wish are able to go there again...