Sunday, August 19, 2007


During the June Holidays, the four of us, Rachael, Delia, Si Xu and Nicholas, went for a two-week holiday at the Ice Hotel.It was located at Kiruna, Sweden.Firstly, we flew to Stockholm. Then, we flew in a smaller plane to the Ice Hotel.The staff at the Ice Hotel were very friendly and greeted us warmly.During our stay in the Ice Hotel, we did many things. We sat by the fire and chatted, learnt how to build igloos, rode dog-sleds, raced across the snow in snowmobiles, walked around in snowshoes. But sadly, we could not see the Aurora Borealis. There was a sauna, a chapel, a cinema and a art exhibition hall.Guess what did we eat there? Lots of hot food and hot drinks!We even had a chance to savour reindeer steaks. Yummy!We had to wear extremely warm outer clothing which was provided by the hotel. It was very cold in there!If you did not have enough warmth, you would probably be frozen to death! We slept in our snug sleeping bags which had to be put in the ice beds. It was very comfortable!Imagine how we had to endure the coldness for two weeks!It was tough, but fun! How we wish are able to go there again...

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