Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A visit to the hospital

The birds were chirping,the sun in a pool of crimson and gold spilling light over the clouds.The weather was nice for a first day of term two.I was yearning to see my best friend,Angela.We have been best friends since primary two. When I went into my classroom, I was surprised to see Angela's desk empty. Usually, she will be earlier than me. "Maybe she woke up late today." I thought. When class started, Angela did not arrive, I started getting worried.

When school ended,I went to Angela's home to pass her her homework.When her mum opened the door,I still could not see Angela.Out of curiosity,I asked,"Where Angela?Why did she not come to school today?"Her mother told me that Angela had diarrhoea and was sent to the hospital last night.I was shocked upon hearing the bad news.I decided to pay her a visit right away.when I reached the hospital,I saw Angela talking talking to a boy on crutches.I waved to her and she saw me.She signal to me to sit beside her.

"How are you" I asked Angela."I'm fine,"she replied.I asked her how was everything in the hospital.She told me me that everyone was friendly to her,and each of them had an interesting about them.

"The boy was on crutches because one day, he was late for school.He had been warned that if he was late again,he would be punished. He did not wait for the green man to appear and dashed across the road.A car that was speeding,did not see him,knocked him down.Luckily,he was not seriously injured.Angela told me. What about that man whose head was bandage and is sitting on the wheelchair?"I asked curiously.
Angela said,"Oh!That man.One day,he drunk a lot of beer.But he still drove and banged into a tree.He was unconscious for a period,"And of course, that doctor over there is my doctor. He always gives me sweets!"Angela pointed at the doctor.That day, I learnt a few things,that is:no jaywalking and no drinking beer when we are driving!!!

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