Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Teacher's day concert

"Look, it is one of the Chinese dancers who knocked onto each other!" said a boy.Pei Ling and I felt embarrassed . One week ago, it was Teachers' Day , and was also a day I hated the most.Every year, our chinese dance teacher would select two pupils to dance on teacher's day.And this year,my best friend,Pei Ling,and I were chosen to dance.

Before we dance,we hadbutterflies in our stomach.I was worried that everything would go wrong.When the MC annoucedthat it was our turn to dance,I felt even more nervous than before.But still,the show had to go on.When we were performing,the first few parts of our dance,the first few parts of our dance were going very smoothly.All of a sudden,Pei Ling wrong footed her dance and our heads knocked onto each other,and we both fell down onto the stage.My head was trobbing in pain and I could hear the audience laughing.I felt very embarrassed.We immediately went backstage.Once there,I still could hear the audience laughing."If I had knew that was going to happen,I would never have dance."I said to myself.It has been a week after the incident,and there were still some pupils who were still laughing at us.How I wished that they would stop doing that to us as we were embarrassed enough.

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